On Thursday is now possible to book appointments for Italian citizenship by descent for first generation through our webportal @PRENOTAMI. The requests can only be submitted by applicants who have one or both parents already Italian and are registered with AIRE. The necessary documentation must include all applicable vital records (birth, marriage, divorce, name change, adoption, etc.) with apostilles, Italian translations, forms, and the Consular fee. For detailed information, please visit the appropriate section on our webpage. Applications which do not meet the above requirements will be rejected.
Provided that the Italian parent is/was registered with AIRE, and has all his/her vital records file up to date, the first generation applicant should provide:
– Original long form birth certificate with Apostille and Italian translation
– Form 1, 2 and multifunctional form, filled out but not signed
– Form 3 signed by the living ascendant and notarized (unless the ascendant comes in person to the appointment with the applicant)
– Consular fee payable by Postal money order USPS (Art.07B)
– If the applicant is married, original marriage certificate and license with Apostille and Translation
– If applicant is divorced, original divorce certificate and original No appeal pending declaration, both with Apostille and Italian translation
– If the applicant has minor children, original long form birth certificates with Apostille and Translation