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Advanced Placement (AP) Italian

AP Italian

What is AP Italian?

The Advanced Placement (AP) Italian exam is an objective assessment of the knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process of Italian language and culture. It can be taken during the last year of High School and it can be applied as a college level examination. The AP Program in Italian Language and Culture is a University level course of instruction that students can take while still in High School. Successful completion of the program and AP Exam scores allow students to build college levels credits that are recognized by almost all U.S. Universities and by numerous foreign Universities.

The inclusion of a subject in the AP Program promotes its spread among High Schools and Colleges all over the U.S. Furthermore, by taking AP courses and exams, students and their parents can save money on college tuition, because they can earn college credits paying just the AP Exam fees.

Do Italian Universities recognize the AP Italian exam?

On the College Board International website, you can find the full list of the Universities and Colleges which have a specific Agreement. Moreover, students with a U.S. High School Diploma who have taken a minimum of one AP Italian exam and two additional AP exams in subjects pertaining to their field of study will be allowed to enroll in an Italian University.

How to register for the exam

Normally, the AP exam is taken after completion of an AP Italian course in High School. If the High School does not currently offer an AP course in Italian Language and Culture, but there is a sufficient number of interested students, students can contact the Principal and the educator responsible for Italian to examine the possibility of instituting one. Students already proficient in the language and culture may register to take the AP exam even without having completed an AP course. Students who want to take the exam individually have to contact the AP Coordinator in a school where AP exams are administered for assistance in registering for the AP Exam in Italian. Students can also register for the exam following the instructions of the College Board website.

How can I take the AP Italian Language and Culture Exam if my school does not offer the course or if I am a homeschooled student?

You may be able to take the AP Exam you want by arranging to test at a participating school. Here’s how:

STEP 1: Make sure you have your zip code, the list of exams you wish to take, a notepad and a pen.
STEP 2: Contact AP Services at the following numbers:
to get the names and telephone numbers of local schools, participating AP Coordinators willing to test outside students. Prepare a list of the AP Exams you are interested in taking before you call.
STEP 3: Call the AP Coordinators identified by AP Services.

When calling Coordinators to arrange testing, be sure to tell them you are trying to locate a school willing to administer exams to homeschooled students or students from schools that do not offer AP Exams. Once you locate a suitable school, that school’s AP Coordinator is responsible for ordering your exam materials, telling you when and where to report for the exams, and collecting your fees, which may be higher to cover the school’s additional proctoring or administration costs. That school must administer the exams for you; the school cannot forward them to you or your school for handling.

On Exam Day

You must bring a valid government – or school-issued photo ID with you to the exam. If you attend a school that doesn’t offer AP, you should not use the school code for the school where you are testing. Instead, be sure to use your own school’s code so your exam score(s) will be reported to your school. This means you need to get your school’s six-digit code from your principal or school counselor before exam day. If you are home-schooled, use the state or international home-school/self-study code that will be given to you on the day of the exam.


Registering for the Exam:
Exam Calendar:
AP Italian Language and Culture Exam Description:
AP Italian Language and Culture Exam Practice:
Enrolling in Italy’s Higher Education Programs: