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Tax Code

Update: Tax Code requests for non-Italian citizens must be submitted ONLY by mail upon APPOINTMENT through Prenotami. Applications received without a copy of the confirmed appointment will be rejected.

As a reminder, in urgent cases, the Tax Code can be requested in Italy to the competent agency “Agenzia delle Entrate”.


The Codice FIscale is an identifier unique to each person that is used when dealing with Italian government offices or for private concerns and is formulated using a combination of the person’s name, place and date of birth.  Usually it is attributed by the Office of Income Revenue (Agenzia delle Entrate) through local tax offices.

Applicants residing outside of Italy may apply for their personal codice fiscale at the consular office competent by jurisdiction or in Italy at any Agenzia delle Entrate local office.

Italian citizens as well as foreign citizens may apply for a codice fiscale.

Italian citizens or double citizens (Italian and another country) may apply at the Italian Consulate in Philadelhia by submitting:

– A filled out request form (you can download it at the bottom of this page)
– Copy of birth certificate
– Copy of a document bearing the applicant’s address (US driver’s license or utility bill, etc)
– Copy of a photo ID, preferably an Italian valid passport. Note: the name on the ID document should match perfectly the name on the birth certificate.  If this were not to be the case, the applicant should either provide a copy of a decree of name change, or fix the issue with the competent office in order to provide the appropriate documentation.

– Self addressed, stamped envelope for the return of the original codice fiscale document

Foreign citizens (without Italian citizenship) may apply at the Italian Consulate in Philadelhia by submitting:

– A filled out request form (you can download it at the bottom of this page)
– Copy of a document bearing the applicant’s address (US driver’s license or utility bill, etc)
– Copy of their valid passport
– Self addressed, stamped envelope for the return of the original codice fiscale document

If the request is for a minor, a parent should fill out the form with minor’s information and parent’s signature.  Besides the documents above indicated, according to citizenship, the application should also include:

– Copy of the parent passport;

– Copy of the parent codice fiscale.


If you already have been issued a codice fiscale and are in need of a duplicate or a convalidation in order to obtain SPID, you need to submit:

– A simple request letter
– Copy of a document bearing the applicant’s address (US driver’s license or utility bill, etc)
– Copy of their valid passport
– Self addressed, stamped envelope for the return of the original codice fiscale document


By mail, you may address your application to the attention of the Assistance Office:

Ufficio Assistenza / Assistance Office
Consolato Generale d’Italia a Filadelfia /
Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia
1818 Market Street – Suite 910
Philadelphia, PA 19103

For any additional questions, you may email